facebook ad campaign

what you can expect from us


per month

 Monthly Activities:

  • Analyzing business industry & determining objective of ad campaign
  • Campaign set-up
  • Campaign optimization
  • Monitoring
  • Reports
  • Support

Analyze Business Industry – We will analyze your website for a better understanding of the requirements to run the ad campaign. This will give us a clear view of your business and will help us to navigate the objective of the ad campaign.

Determine Objective of Ad Campaign – Based on your business industry we will decide which type of ads will serve the best for your business. The objectives of Facebook ad campaigns are as follows:

  • Clicks to Website
Send people to important sections of your website
  • Website Conversions
Optimize your ad to get people to take specific actions on your website, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product.
  • Page Post Engagement
Reach more people when you boost posts. Engagement can include likes on your post, comments, shares and photo views.
  • Page Likes
Connect with all the people who matter to your business
  • App Installs
Get people to know about your business to install your mobile & desktop app
  • App Engagement
Get more activity on your mobile & desktop app
  • Offer Claims
Promote timely discounts or other deals for people to claim in your store
  • Local Awareness
    Create ads that reach people near your business
  • Event Responses
Promote your Facebook event to get more responses
  • Video Views
    Tell a story using a video in your ad for engagement

Campaign Setup – Once we determine the business industry and nature of the promotion, we will see up the ad campaign by the information received through analysis & discussion. Ad campaign set-up will include the following activities:

  • Ad content creation 
(4 ads)
  • Related banner creation after approval of ad content (4 banners)

Campaign Optimization – We will optimize the ad campaign to make the most of the ads. Based on the nature of the ad campaign, we will choose mode of optimization, i.e. clicks, impressions, conversions, etc.

  • Targeting: We will pay attention to who watches your ad on their timeline through specific targeting methods like geographic area/location, age, gender, interest & more.
  • Ad placement: After everything is set up and ready to go live, we will decide where the add will be displayed, i.e. news feeds, right column, or mobile feed.
  • Testing: We A/B test the ad campaign so that the most is made of the campaign at the most minimal and optimal cost to you

Monitoring – We will keep an eye on how your campaign is performing throughout its lifetime. We will A/B test your ad campaign and put emphasis on the better performing ad.

Reports – We will track all of the ads created and provide you with a monthly and thorough report of all the impressions, clicks, conversions, etc.

Support – We will be in touch at all times when you need our help or need more understanding of the on-going campaign or if you need us to make any adjustments to it.

what to do next

Please fill out the form below so we can get a discussion going and start learning more about your product, brand, or business.

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